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Донорство крові у Львові: все, що вам потрібно знати

Blood Donation in Lviv: Everything You Need to Know

Today, June 14th, marks World Blood Donor Day. This date is truly worth noting, as the need for blood is greater than ever due to the ongoing war. For doctors to be able to save lives, they cannot do without the most crucial resource – blood. Hence, blood donors are indispensable. In this article, we will provide all the necessary information about blood donation in Lviv.

концерти у Львові в квітні

Concerts in Lviv: where can you go in April?

The long-awaited spring has finally arrived! And this means that the season of concerts of Ukrainian performers begins. If your to-do list for April includes an item about attending a music concert, then this selection is just for you. We have collected the brightest concerts in Lviv that will take place this month. So grab your pens, and calendars and mark the days you plan to light up with your favorite artists!

Where to go and where to relax on the weekend or on holidays - calendar of events in Lviv. Convenient systematized poster of festivals, parties, concerts, exhibitions, movies, theater performances, film screenings, art events for Lviv residents and tourists. Interesting movie reviews and premiere announcements.