Lviv poster – concerts, festivals, parties, exhibitions, plays, movies, sports, presentations

All events and locations in the city of Lviv – theaters, galleries, clubs, parks. Where to go and where to relax on the weekend or on holidays – calendar of events in Lviv.

Latest publications

Places to rest with a swimming pool near Lviv: suburbs and not far from it

In the summer heat, you can go to outdoor swimming pools, which are located in recreation complexes located in the suburbs of Lviv and several kilometers away from them.
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8 cozy cafes in Lviv that you must visit

Every cafe and restaurant can offer coffee, but only in a real coffee shop you can try real, fragrant, freshly ground Lviv coffee. We offer you 8 atmospheric and cozy cafes of Lviv, which should be visited by everyone who comes to Lviv.
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Where to drink beer in Lviv – the best pubs in the city center

Lviv is famous for its delicious local beer, which is loved by both residents and guests of the city.
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Літня школа з кримінальної юстиції у Львові

Summer school of criminal justice in Lviv

Law students, we have found for you not an event, but a real treasure! Would you like to deepen your knowledge of criminal justice under the guidance of real professionals? If your answer is yes, then the School of Criminal Justice in Lviv will come in handy. What will be discussed – read on and quickly register before the free places run out.
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У Львові відбудеться урок кримської мови в America House Lviv

A Crimean language lesson will be held in Lviv at America House Lviv

If you were waiting for a sign from the universe about whether you should start learning the Crimean language, then this is it! Tomorrow, July 2, a Crimean language lesson will be held at America House Lviv, which Esken Zova will teach. What awaits you – read on.
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МУР повертається: у Львові відбудеться реп-мюзикл “Ти [Романтика]”

MUR returns: the rap musical “You [Romance]” will take place in Lviv

If you were upset that you didn’t have time to see the rap musical “You [Romance]”, or you just want to revisit it, then don’t miss the opportunity to buy tickets for the MUR concert, which will take place this September.
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Благодійний концерт Макса Барських у Львові

Max Barskikh’s Charity Concert in Lviv

Tired of listening to your favorite Max Barskikh songs through headphones on your way to work? Then we invite you to attend his concert, which will take place in the City of Lions this coming Monday! Interested? Then read on to find out the details about Max Barskikh’s concert in Lviv.
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Донорство крові у Львові: все, що вам потрібно знати

Blood Donation in Lviv: Everything You Need to Know

Today, June 14th, marks World Blood Donor Day. This date is truly worth noting, as the need for blood is greater than ever due to the ongoing war. For doctors to be able to save lives, they cannot do without the most crucial resource – blood. Hence, blood donors are indispensable. In this article, we will provide all the necessary information about blood donation in Lviv.
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День донора в УКУ

Blood Donor Day at UCU Medical Clinic in Lviv

Unfortunately, the need for blood has increased significantly because of the war. For doctors to save lives, each of us needs to make maximum efforts and donate blood periodically. If you’ve been wanting to become a donor and help those in need, be sure to join the Blood Donor Day at the UCU Medical Clinic.
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Куди піти на вихідні у Львові 1-2 червня?

Where to go on the weekend in Lviv on June 1-2?

If the calendar doesn’t let you down, summer starts this weekend! This is a great reason to have fun and interesting time with family, friends, or alone. In order to facilitate the process of organizing your weekend, we have prepared a selection of places where you can spend the weekend in Lviv on June 1-2 and enjoy the beginning of the long-awaited summer.
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У Львові відбудеться Благодійний середньовічний ярмарок у Львові

Charity medieval fair in Lviv

Would you like to spend the first days of summer in the Middle Ages? If you are convinced that this is impossible, then be sure to visit the Charity Medieval Fair, which will be held in Lviv!
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How to find job for veterans and persons with disabilities due to war

How to find a job for veterans and persons with disabilities due to war?

For combatants and people with war-related disabilities, finding a job can be a real challenge. However, there are several government programs, grants, and online tools that are designed to facilitate this process and help this category of citizens reintegrate into civilian life. Don’t know how to find a job? We offer you a selection of useful links from the State Employment Service for combatants and persons with war-related disabilities.
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Where to go and where to relax on the weekend or on holidays - calendar of events in Lviv. Convenient systematized poster of festivals, parties, concerts, exhibitions, movies, theater performances, film screenings, art events for Lviv residents and tourists. Interesting movie reviews and premiere announcements.