1. Yegor Grushyn’s concert
The most popular neoclassical Ukrainian composer and pianist has tour to support his new album «In Time». For the 6 years he had more than 300 concerts, recorded 4 albums, written soundtracks for Ukrainian movies. Grushyn will play two concerts at Valentine’s Day in Lviv.
Tickets for concert at 16:30: www.concert.ua/uk/event/yegor-grushin-lviv-14-02
Tickets for concert at 19:00: www.concert.ua/uk/event/yegor-grushin-lviv
Частину коштів від своїх виступів музикант передає на підтримку українських захисників та захисниць
Location: Theatre named Mariya Zankovetska, Lesi Ukrainky str., 1
Date and time: 14th of February, at 16:30 and 19:00
Tickets’ price: from 250 to 690 grn.
2. Concert «World hits about love»
Show at Lviv national opera. You will see symphonic orchestra, choir and rock-group together at one stage. They’ll unite to present a new program «World hits about love»!
Romantic hits from last decades of Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, Billie Eilish, One Republic, Lady Gaga, Adele, Queen, Sting, Celine Dion.
BIGSHOW ORCHESTRA – modern symphonic orchestra, that unite precious and professional academic performing with visual support and show!
Solo singers: Victoriya Yashchenko, Jurii Roketsky, Anastasiya Yatsenko, Yaroslava Lipkovska, «Holosni» duet.
Location: Theatre named Mariya Zankovetska, Lesi Ukrainky str., 1
Date and time: 14th of February, at 16:30 and 19:00
Tickets’ price: from 250 to 690 grn.
Location: 14th of February, at 20:00
Date and time: Lviv national opera
Tickets’ price: 340-1540 hrn
3. Concert SHUMEI
At this hard time, very powerful music needed. Oleg Shumei is young singer with charismatic voice. He has made his first song before war. At fourth day of war he had made «Tryvoga» («The alarm») song, that became popular. His songs and covers listen Ukrainian soldiers, at patriotic events, etc. Soon you will listen live it too.
Location: Lviv circus, Horodotska, 83
Date and time: 14th of February, at 19:00
Tickets’ price: 410-770 hrn
4.Concert of «Meri» band «For lovers day»
«To say “I love you” — is don’t say anything…», as sings Victor Vynnyk – frontmen of «Meri».
You may invite your sweethearts to romantic concert of true Ukrainian music!
Location: Dovzhenko center, Chervona Kalyna ave., 81
Date and time:14th of February, at 19:00
Tickets’ price: 290-540 hrn
5. Concert of Kola singer
The first big concert of Kola in Lviv. She invites to confess in love with her emotional songs «Chy razom?» («Does together?»), «First love» («Pershe kohannya»),etc.
Choose places at comfort sofas for romantic supper or fan-zone to be so close near stage. Let love fill this night!
Tickets at www.lviv.kontramarka.ua/uk/kola-79083.html
Location: Malevich nightclub, V.Chornovola ave., 2
Date and time: 14 th of February, at 18:00
Tickets’ price: 600-1100 hrn
6. Concert «Love story»
Luganska regional philarmony with «Bigshow Agency» team invite to listen bright and passion music that perfomed by orhestra.
The greatest world hits about love: Scorpions, Lara Fabian, Sting, Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, Lana Del Rey. There will pla sountracks from well known movies: а також саундтреки фільмів «Titanic», «Romeo an Juliette», «La la land» and other. The show will be with dances and other surprises.
Tickets at wwww.lviv.kontramarka.ua/uk/love-story-simfosou-78783.html
Location: Lviv national opera
Date and time: 13th of February at 17:30 and at 20:00
Tickets’ price: 290-1490 hrn
7. Concert «Rock’n love»
There will be the rock-gig before Valentine’s Day at Puppets theatre. The list of band, tha will play and make drive atmosphere:
- Erai (Kyiv)
- Yad Band (Lviv)
- Staleva (Lviv)
- Doomzday (Lvivв)
- Three Dooots (Lviv)
Location Hall at underground flooor of Puppet theatre, Danylo Halytsky sq.,1.
Date and time:12th of February at 18:00
Tickets’ price::250 hrn (previous selling) or 400 (at tha day of conccert). Part of money will give to help Ukrainian Army.
8. Concert «Songs about Love» played by organ

The special program of soft romantic music will perform men’s choir «Homin».
The hits of Europian classic composers and Ukrainian retro will play by organ.
you can buy tickets there:
– online: www.lviv.kontramarka.ua/uk/pisni-pro-kohanna-78943.html
– at pay office of Lviv organ hall from 13:00 to 19:00 PM
Date and time: 14th of February at 19:00
Location: Lviv organ hall, S.Bandery str., 8
Tickets’ price: 100-200 hrn
9. «Shedevres of romantic retro» concert
Legendary romances, valces, and other songs about love will play here. You will listen melodies freom French coffee shops too. Well known singer from Lviv Zenovii Karach will sing it with FiJi band.
Tickets: www.soldout.ua/booking/1046-masterpieces-of-romantic-retro
Date and time:12th of February at 19:00.
Location: Lviv national philarmony name M.Skoryk, Skoryka str., 7
Tickets’ price: 250-470 hrn