In hot summer days, a lot of citizens looking for opportunities to quench their thirst. From 2018 till 2020 years in the center of Lviv and nearby were made fountains and source with drinking water. Most of them are mechanical fountains, that works by pushing the button on it. By the way, it’s all for free.

List of fountains with drinking water in center of Lviv (locations):
- Rynok square (between main entry in Lviv city hall and “Neptun” fountain);
- Marijska square (between big flowerbed and Taras Shevchenko monument);
- Svobody avenue (in front of National museum main entry);
- Mytna square (between child clinic and Ukrainian academy of printing college);
- Pidvalna street, “Na valah” park (near playground);
- Bandery street, 8 (public area near to Lviv organ hall);
- Malanyuka square.

“Vodoliy” fountain in Kopernika street
There is unique fountain with drinking water in Kopernika street. It has named “Vodoliy” (Aquarius). It made by famous sculptor Teodozia Bryzh. It was forgotten till 2018. There are two types of water: non-stop waterfall, where flows non-drinking water and water for drinking that automatically falls from pipe only if someone come close to the sculpture. There are two benches too.

There is one more fountain in the upper part of Kopernika street, decorated with two medieval lions. Here flows regular tap water.

“Korolivske” source
Naturally source of water is situated at Zamkova street, near to Tatarska street, named “Korolivske” (Kings). It lays in “Vysokyy Zamok” park. There are two basins.