Nationwide race “I Honor the Warriors, I Run for the Heroes of Ukraine”

Ukrainian defenders risk themselves every day so that each of us can live safely. Unfortunately, many of them have already given their lives for the future of Ukraine. Their self-sacrifice should not be forgotten. That`s why it is important to honor the memory of the heroes who defended our country in the most difficult times. Everyone can join in commemorating their feat, and one of the ways is the Nationwide race “I honor the Warriors, I run for the Heroes of Ukraine”.

Briefly about the Nationwide race “I honor the Warriors, I run for the Heroes”

On August 31, Ukraine will host the annual patriotic race that is dedicated to commemorating the soldiers who died during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Also, it is timed to the Day of Remembrance of Defenders of Ukraine.

Participants will be able to choose one of three distances: 2 km, 5 km, or 10 km. The peculiarity of the race is that each runner has the opportunity to dedicate his performance to a specific Hero of Ukraine by specifying his name during registration.

The race will take place simultaneously in different cities of Ukraine, uniting participants across the country. To participate, you must register by August 13 on the NewRun platform by creating a personal account.

This event has nationwide significance and is an important tradition of honoring the memory of those who gave their lives for Ukraine`s independence and territorial integrity.

Do not miss the opportunity to join this patriotic initiative and pay tribute to the heroes who defended our country. Register and run for those who gave us the opportunity to live in free Ukraine.

When: August 31, 2024, 7:30 AM

Where: All of Ukraine

Registration: at this link (until August 13 inclusive)

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