And we met again! The week is coming to an end, so we hope that you are ready to plan the weekend. The poster has collected the most interesting places and events where to go in Lviv for the weekend of March 2-3. Therefore, less words, more deeds!
Charitable Tlum & Crum in Lviv
Let’s start with something stylish, atmospheric, and vintage. Tlum & Crum will be held on Sunday, where every lover of elegant things will be able to take his soul and help the Armed Forces. So, what will happen at this event?
- Exposition of jewelry, outfits, a curated selection of furniture, decor, and dishes from all over the world
- Talks about Lviv інтерʼєри today and a hundred years ago from Tatyana Kazantseva and Leonid Martynchik
- Discussion of the best novels of Ukrainian modernism with Bogdana Neborak and Anastasia Evdokimova.
- Flower exposition, so that no one goes home without an armful of spring.
By the way, an interesting thing for real fashion icons: think carefully about your image, because you have a chance to get into the lens of a Street style hunter!
All money raised from the event will go to the volunteer initiative of the Lviv Knight, namely, the Antidron Dome. If you are still thinking about where to go in Lviv for the weekend with benefits, then Tlum & Crum is just for you!
When: March 3, 2024, from 12:00 to 18:00
Where: House of Scientists
Entrance: 250 UAH. Children under 12, pensioners, and military personnel have free entry
Tickets: you can buy at this link

Charity game Mafia in Lviv
The city falls asleep, and wakes up…. who? Mafia that wants to help the rehabilitation of wounded defenders and defenders! Do not miss the opportunity to meet cool people, play all the famous Mafia, try on different roles, and communicate with a native English speaker.
How will you help the military? 100% of the profits from the event will go to the rehabilitation program “Yours among your own” from the Union of Participants, veterans of the ATO “Suviato.”
When: March 3, 2024, 17:00
Where: URBAN Library (Ustinovich Street 4)
Entrance: Donat from 250 UAH

Charity poetry evening with Hutsulka Ksenia
We continue the marathon of good deeds. Do you want to enjoy poetry from the beautiful Hutsulka Xeni? Then you are exactly here. A poetic evening will be held in Lviv, where poems will be read by Ukrainian actress and director Oksana Strynadyuk with the pseudonym Hutsulka Ksenya.
At the event, there will be a lot of favorite poetry of classics and modern authors under musical accompaniment and excerpts from prose works.
Moreover, you will find a lot of hugs and support, warmth and love, a common feeling of beauty of the “Ukrainian word.”
The most interesting and important: 20% of the funds will go to the needs of children affected by the war, to the charitable organization MUR, headed by Honored Artist of Ukraine – Marina Koshkina.
When: March 2, 2024, 18:00
Where: Franko House (150 Franko St.)
Tickets: can be purchased at this link

Author’s excursion “The World and Home of Maria Pryimachenko”
There was poetry, there were vintage things, there was even a game of Mafia. Now let’s move on to the visual arts. In Lviv, the author’s excursion will be held by Inga Yankovich, director of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Art Museum. She will tell a lot of interesting facts about the work of the Ukrainian artist Maria Pryimachenko, whose style has become extremely recognizable.
You will learn about interesting facts from the life and creative biography of Maria Prymachenko, get acquainted in detail with her works, which present the whole range of thematic interests of the master, and feel the unique atmosphere of Polissya, which had no end. The artist brought the whole world into her works, so her House became the World.
When: March 02, 2024, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Potocki Palace (15 Copernicus Street)
The cost of the author’s excursion at the price of the entrance ticket:
- for adults: 150 UAH.
- for students: 100 UAH.
- for children and pensioners: 80 UAH.
Contact phone number: 068 966 23 48