Max Barskikh’s Charity Concert in Lviv

Tired of listening to your favorite Max Barskikh songs through headphones on your way to work? Then we invite you to attend his concert, which will take place in the City of Lions this coming Monday! Interested? Then read on to find out the details about Max Barskikh’s concert in Lviv.

Briefly About Max Barskikh’s Concert in Lviv

Max Barskikh is embarking on a grand concert tour across the cities of Ukraine. He will perform hits from his new album “Stardust,” which instantly achieved incredible success, topping the Apple Music charts and capturing prime time on Ukrainian radio stations.

Max himself says that his main goal was to create the most successful Ukrainian-language album of his career. According to him, the “Stardust” album includes compositions on themes close to everyone. So it’s no surprise that Barskikh’s artistry captivates not only Ukrainian but also foreign listeners. This greatly delights the singer.

The “Stardust” concert program will include not only new compositions but also all the best hits from Barskikh’s 15-year creative career. Therefore, you will certainly not leave the performance without singing along with your favorite song’s author. It’s worth noting that the concerts will be charitable, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. So, in addition to hearing Max Barskikh’s hits and being able to enjoy them live, you will also help the defenders, thanks to whom such concerts are still taking place.

When: June 24, 2024, 8:00 PM

Where: Fest Republic (24 Staroznesenska St.)

Tickets: can be purchased at this link

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