Summer school of criminal justice in Lviv

Law students, we have found for you not an event, but a real treasure! Would you like to deepen your knowledge of criminal justice under the guidance of real professionals? If your answer is yes, then the School of Criminal Justice in Lviv will come in handy. What will be discussed – read on and quickly register before the free places run out.

School of Criminal Justice in Lviv: what awaits you?

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about the selection of School participants. It was not for nothing that we said at the beginning of the article that it is the students who will be interested in this event, as the organizers will choose exclusively from students of 3-6 courses of legal specialties based on the results of the questionnaire evaluation.

The criminal justice school will last five days, during which you will attend meaningful and interactive lectures, analysis of real cases, discussions of ethical dilemmas, debates and prototypes of mutt courts. The most important thing is that each participant will have the opportunity to communicate live with practitioners who are already making efforts to transform the system today.

Here is just a short list of questions that you will receive answers to during your training: How is criminal justice different from other sectors of justice? What transformations has the system undergone during the years of independence? How does criminal justice live today?

If you are not from Lviv and do not know where to stay during the School period, then you should not worry, because the activities, as well as the accommodation of the participants, will take place on the basis of the School of Law of the Ukrainian Catholic University, and the organizers will cover all expenses.

How to become a participant in the selection:

July 9-21 — applications are accepted
July 22-28 — selection of participants
July 29-30 — selection results
August 12-16 — Summer school

When: August 12-16, 2024
Where: Lviv (Stryyska St., 29a)
Registration: via this link (registration deadline — July 21, 11:59 p.m.)

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