The Street Food So Good Festival in Lviv

As sad as it is to admit, the end of August is not far off. However, instead of shedding tears before the start of gray autumn weekdays, we suggest you spend the summer fun and with taste. Where exactly can this be done, you ask? It’s simple – at the Street Food So Good Festival in Lviv!

Briefly about the Street Food So Good Festival in Lviv

When it comes to food, it’s better to taste it once than to hear it a hundred times, right? Nevertheless, we will introduce you to the Street Food So Good Festival to keep you updated with all the events.

This time the festival will take place for the first time after a three-year break! Yes, yes, if you danced with tambourines to taste your favorite street food, then this idea worked 🙂

Since we are able to attend such events only thanks to our advocates, Street Food So Good Festival has changed its usual slogan “Food. friends Music. Entertainment” and added another important detail – to donate. So, you will not only have a tasty snack, but also help the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

When: August 30 – September 1, 2024, 18:00-22:00

Where: Culture Park

Free entrance

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