Анастасія Зуєва

Інтелектуальна гра “Розстріляне Відродження” у Львові

Intellectual game “Executed Renaissance” in Lviv

Do you want to demonstrate your knowledge of Ukrainian history and culture? Perhaps you have long wanted to remember your school past? Everyone who wants to have a great opportunity to do it! The intellectual game “Executed Renaissance” in Lviv will definitely appeal to fans of quizzes and quizzes. Are you interested? Then gather your friends into a team and let’s win!

Курс першої домедичної допомоги у Львові

First aid course in Lviv

What should a home first aid kit have? How to act in case of injury? How to apply a tourniquet? In wartime, not only medics and military personnel, but also civilians must be able to provide high-quality and efficient first aid, as it is impossible to predict who will need it. That is why, do not miss the opportunity to attend a first aid course in Lviv, where you will learn how to act in the event of an emergency.

День матері 2024 у Львові

Mother’s Day 2024 in Lviv: where to go for the holiday

For many, the mother is the closest and dearest person in the world. She can be both a supporter, a mentor, and a friend. So it is not surprising that there is a holiday in honor of such an important person – Mother’s Day. This is a great reason to express your love and gratitude to your dearest person. This year, on Mother’s Day 2024 in Lviv, you will be able to attend the most diverse events that will definitely be etched in your memory.

Благодійний вінтажний фестиваль у Львові

Charity vintage festival with books and coffee in Lviv

Are you tired of the gray routine and want to change the environment? Then there is an offer to combine the interesting with the useful: a charitable vintage festival will be held in Lviv, where you can not only delight yourself with new trinkets that are even older than you but also enjoy goodies. Are you interested? Then let’s buy tickets and plan a cool weekend!

концерти у Львові в квітні

Concerts in Lviv: where can you go in April?

The long-awaited spring has finally arrived! And this means that the season of concerts of Ukrainian performers begins. If your to-do list for April includes an item about attending a music concert, then this selection is just for you. We have collected the brightest concerts in Lviv that will take place this month. So grab your pens, and calendars and mark the days you plan to light up with your favorite artists!

Where to go and where to relax on the weekend or on holidays - calendar of events in Lviv. Convenient systematized poster of festivals, parties, concerts, exhibitions, movies, theater performances, film screenings, art events for Lviv residents and tourists. Interesting movie reviews and premiere announcements.